Dan Mastrapa – Spiritual Renewal: The cry of many believers who are dissatisfied with their spiritual walk is for God to revive and renew them. Many times we seek this renewal through extraordinary encounters and ecstatic experiences in revival meetings. When we look for renewal in these things, we tend to dismiss and neglect the very things that the Spirit uses to bring about renewal in the first place–the ordinary means of grace. It’s in the ordinary that the extraordinary work of the Spirit transforms and renews us.
Mike Curtis – Refreshed: When God rescues us from our sins and the deadness that they cause in us, He refreshes us, breathing new life into our weary soul. But as life happens, we find ourselves in need of constant refreshing, or “seasons of reviving,” as Scripture puts it. But how do we receive this and walk in it, when we feel so mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted?